The Super-Rich in Russia: Dynamics and Demographics
This study is dedicated to the elusive and relatively under-researched group of super-rich Russians. The research focuses on Russians on the Forbes list of the wealthiest people from 2004 to 2021. Based on a specially compiled empirical database, the composition of the group was analyzed according to key socio-economic and demographic indicators. The changes throughout Russia’s recent history and the overall dynamics of the group were assessed. It was shown that the group largely reproduces its composition—almost 90 % annually and approximately two-thirds in the medium term. Over the past decade, due to the low rate of renewal, the main features of its composition have changed little, but certain trends are noteworthy. Today’s super-rich are predominantly male, although women have entered the ranks in recent years. They are characterized by high levels of education, although the relative importance of postgraduate education has declined over time, partly replaced by foreign education, including for their children. Most members tend to have a relatively high social origin, although data for the older generation, who dominate the group, in this regard are limited. In terms of place of birth and place of higher education, there is an increasing shift towards the capitals where opportunities are concentrated, although some diversity remains. This diversity is accentuated by a shift in its composition toward older Russians whose places of birth and education are more varied. Due to the stability of its composition, the group continues to age. The career trajectories of super-rich Russians vary widely: the group includes businessmen who started from both high and low professional positions. Over time, the proportion of entrepreneurs has grown. The sectoral composition of the businesses of Russia’s super rich has changed little over the past decade, reflecting the lack of fundamental structural changes in the economy. However, sectors related to services and information/technology are becoming more prominent. The identified characteristics and dynamics of the group reflect the country’s developmental nuances with the changing relative roles of different sectors, the declining importance of the public sector as a starting point, and the concentration of opportunities in the capital cities, among other factors. On the other hand, the stability of the group ensures the inertia of its characteristics and the absence of significant changes in its composition from the 2000s to the 2020s, in contrast to the 1990s when the group underwent much more significant renewal, and its evolving profile was more evident