Manuscripts should be 8,000 words in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format with the following information on the first page:

1. Title of the paper
2. Information about the author(s) (name, title, affiliation, postal and e-mail address)
3. An abstract of 300 words
4. 6-8 relevant keywords

Manuscripts should be in a Serif typeface (e.g., Times Roman or Courier font), minimum 12-point font, and single-spaced.

Send an original manuscript and an additional version of the manuscript without identifying information (for review purposes) to:



The abstract should give a clear idea of what the paper is about. A good abstract generally contains:

1. A clear statement of the relevance and research question(s)
2. A short description of data and method(s)
3. An explanation of the main findings (or argumentation if purely theoretical work)



All notes should be provided as footnotes at the bottom of each page. All abbreviations should to be explained.

All tables and figures should be prepared so that they can be opened in standard Microsoft Word and/or Excel software. The width should not exceed 136mm. Otherwise they should be recognizable (support reasonable definition for printing) and preferably be black and white (or grayscale). Graphic files should come in TIF format at 300dpi.

References to books, monographs, articles, and statistical sources should be identified within the text by the author’s family name, publication year, and pagination, where appropriate.

When the author’s name appears in the text, cite as follows: Kennedy [Kennedy 2001]. When citing the page for a quote or specific reference, use this style: [Hall, Soskice 2001, p. 91] or [Hall, Soskice 2001, pp. 91-100]. When a source has two authors, give both names separated by a comma; if there are three or more authors, use “et al.” (e.g. [Evans et al. 2010]).

For institutional authorship use the following (without italics): [OECD 2001, 2002]. Distinguish more than one reference to an author in one year by using numbers in parentheses placed before the publication year: [Kennedy (1) 2001]. Enclose a series of up to three references within parentheses, separated by semicolons. List all references chronologically, then alphabetically [Kelly 1999; Dole 2002; Baker 2003].

At the end of the manuscript, list sources alphabetically by author and, within author, by publication year. Examples of common references follow:

Published book:
Crow G. (1997) Comparative Sociology and Social Theory, Basingstoke: Macmillan.

Chapter in an edited book:
Nielsen K., Jessop B., Hausner J. (2005) Institutional Change in Post-Socialism. Strategic Choice and Path-Dependency in Post-Socialism (eds. Hausner J., Jessop B., Nielsen K.), Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 67-83.

Article in a journal:
Magnin E. (2002) Path-Dependence and Initial Conditions in the Transition Process. Journal of Economics and Business, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 67-87.

Published work by an organization:
World Bank (2005) World Development Report 2005, Washington, DC: World Bank.