Origins Of Ethnic Conflict in Tataria

  • Лев Станиславович Перепелкин


The author of the article presents statistical data and empirical evidences for the analysis of the origins of ethnic conflict in Tataria. There was used original methodology for composing an integral index of socio-economical development. The author pays attention to the character and to the extent of influence of most powerful political forces due to the producing change in Tataria in particular and in Russia in general. He underlines that the Government of Tataria maintains a strong orientation towards separation under the pressure of tatarian nationalist movements - TOZ, ITT, Islamic Democratic Party of Tatarstan, Congress of Citizenship of Independent Tatarstan with their separatism and religious orientation mobilizing people by means of nationalist slogans. The author refers to analysis of the character of political and social activity of most mighty political institutions (like President, Supreme Council of Tataria, national parties and movements, Millie Medglis, and Russian democratic movements, Really for some of the republics notably the three Haitian states and the Ukraine seized on the crisis to press their demands for total independence and it seems inevitable that they spitted off much quicker than it was recently supposed, and just now they started to develop their own sense of independence. There is the different sort of situation in Tataria. The author is principally certain in impossibility for Tataria to split off from Russia for following reasons: geopolitical location of the republic inside Russia; lack of external boundaries, ethnic scope of the population with prevailing of non-Tatars; strong diasporization of Tatars among the population of other nations. Bui the feeling of permanent danger and encirclement appeared among Tatars. Nationalist consolidation and facts of hysteria were only a step away. Conflict can erupt and there arc inner and external casualties. The author of the article suggests criteria for estimation of the socio-economical development level of Tatarstan and the criteria for studying of rising national self-consciousness. There was also suggested a typology of cultural integration of nations into Russian society and examined a problem of economical status of Tatars on the labour market. As a rule the scales have been constructed on the basis of a definition 'socio-economical status' - a concept which itself lacks clarity and direct empirical reference. Recent analysis of data has shown according the criteria chosen by the author very high level of socio-economical development for the republic, which naturally tends to separatist national-economical orientation. Very often ethnic differences lend to be reflected in occupational stratification. Above all 'Basque' type of cultural integration consolidates and strengthens autonomist and separatist intentions, stimulates vertical social mobility relevant to the 'cultural distribution of labour maintaining clear cultural-religious distance between the republic's and Russian population. There in the article has been considered a conflict in Tataria as a ' conflict of rising points' without pathological tendency when the establishing of consensus is possible. The point of great importance is to prevent an influence of Tatar nationalist movements upon the Government, Supreme Council and President of Tataria and to construct a new body of nation-state Russian structure based on new Constitution legalizing the organization and rights of the autonomies. Beyond alt the problems 3 fundamental issues concerning future shape of Tataria are left: 1. Who will be a real national leader? It must be a liquidation of double-powers in the republic. 2. What kind of central government will continue to exist after the republics gain new amount of power and some of them break away? 3. How to open up the economy to market forces?


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How to Cite
ПерепелкинЛ. С. (2010). Origins Of Ethnic Conflict in Tataria. Universe of Russia, 2(1), 91-112. Retrieved from
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