The theory of the "Russian socialism": social resources, the essence and modern interpretations

  • Ирина Вячеславовна Сабенникова


The author makes an attempt to explain one of the most important creative ideas and features of Russian revolutionary tradition - the theory of the "Russian socialism". The essence of the theory was the acceptance of relative backwardness of Russia in comparison with West-European countries on the one hand, and the idea that Russia can pass the stage of capitalism and immediately be transformed to communist society through process of social revolution on the other hand. This theory, formed by Alexander Herzen, became one of the most original and at the same time the most destructive idea of Russian theoretical thought from populists to bolsheviks. The theory synthesized the ideas of two main currencies of Russian social thought - the Slavophiles and westernizers. gave interpretation of social question in Europe and in Russia and proposed the ambitious program of revolutionary transformation of Russia. It was a real background of revolution and a weapon of radical intelligentsia in the struggle with Russian autocracy. In this perspective this theory can be interpreted as a suitable subject for theoretical discussions in intellectual circles about future Russian society and Utopian program of social and political modernization of traditional society.In the first part of the paper the author investigates the origins of Russian intelligentsia and its place in the process of modernization of traditional agrarian society The process of modernization and europeanization which had taken place in Russia from the beginning of the eighteenth century, prepared a very important social transformation - a parting of ways between state, which remained a bulwark of existing social order and enlightened part of the ruling class and noble intellectuals. The French Revolution and its social consequences constituted together the most important influence on European and Russian development in the turn of the century.In this context author interprets the phenomenon of revolutionary mentality of Russian intelligentsia - its origins and social consequences. After rude oppression of the Decabrists revolt of 1825 - the first attempt of radicals to create new society through military revolution - the main question for intelligentsia was to find another strategy in the struggle with serfdom and autocratic rule in Russia. This strategy was discussed by different groups of intellectuals in revolutionary circles of Stankevich. Petrashevsky. Herzen and Bakunin. For Russian radicals all government and society was based on lies, and mistrust of the people The comparison with the West was to be avoided at all costs because of nationalist and romantic orientation of future populists and because of deep disillusion in western society and its possibility to avoid poverty and class struggle. Grandiose efforts produced tiny results and this was at the same time the cause and the product of industrial capitalism. Finally Russian intellectuals lurked an unacknowledged ambition for world revolution which could act as a concealment and expiation of internal failure.From this point of view in the second part of the paper the author presents the analysis of philosophical and political discussions between different parts of revolutionary intelligentsia and their programs on social question in Europe and Russia. Considerable interest has been shown in describing possible developmental alternatives and tendencies. Duality in the developmental orientations between national and European ways is seen as one of the most characteristic features of Russian radical intelligentsia. The idea of the socialism, in spite of its western origins, became the key value for that sort of mentality. But this idea once proclaimed in Europe has got in Russia quiet different interpretation and another semantic context. For its reconstruction the author builds up a typology of different interpretations and social orientations in Russian revolutionary thought from anarchism to Marxism and different ideas of liberal or Christian socialism.The theory of the "Russian socialism" was the most coherent synthesis of all Russian modifications of European socialism, which composed the idea of social equality and the idea of national renaissance. To analyze this new theoretical paradigm, the author presents its main European philosophical prototypes and different national sources of inspiration, showing how Alexander Herzen created this model of national socialism and what are the principal consequences of this Utopia for Russian and world history and modern political process.


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How to Cite
СабенниковаИ. В. (2012). The theory of the "Russian socialism": social resources, the essence and modern interpretations. Universe of Russia, 5(2), 153-180. Retrieved from
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