The image of political leaders in mass—media

  • Ирина Владимировна Волкова
  • В В Клименко
  • Леон Тигранович Сафразьян


The popularity of a political leader is one of deceive factors in his carries. This premise challenges the politician to create the united image of his own. Which would include the set of notions about his political believes, practice, individual features of that witch would yield sympathies of definite parts of citizens. To overcome the subjective or romantic approach to the image, in appropriate for shaping long-term communication policy it is necessary to lend to the notion of image itself a functional meaning, to divide it into certain units and entities. This article presents a summarization of sociological design's stuff, dedicated to the image of 100 political leaders in mass-media. The design deals with survey of information, generated by 100 modern political leaders, by means of content-analyses of the most powerful 10 newspapers and 3 channels of TV. As a result it enables to assess the information flow that effects the public consciousness referring to all the salient image components of the observed leaders. With the help of special system of ratios the derived inferences are aggregated in summarized index - rating index. The results of the work enable to designate precisely a relation of forces among the leaders in various respects of political struggle, to deliver unique information on strategy and tactic.


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How to Cite
ВолковаИ. В., КлименкоВ. В., & СафразьянЛ. Т. (2010). The image of political leaders in mass—media. Universe of Russia, 6(3), 43-74. Retrieved from
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