Russian provincial town: main aspects of life

  • Владимир Владимирович Вагин
Keywords: provincial towns


There are at least four aspects of a "provincial city" in modern Russia: economic, political, cultural and civilizational. In economic sense, to be a provincial city it means an economically dependent subordinated external dictate. It was some kind of compression official, state regulation. So population of this places created own household's economy where was dependless from external obstacles. Political processes in russian cities go more often total independently from federal processes. In cultural plan the province is characterized by curtailing pure programs of support of culture? That existing in cities under socialism. But most part of the social scientists preferred the civilizational aspects provinciality. In this sense provincial cities more than higher urbanized? Central places depends from non-market relations, and become thus, place of concentration of "de-modernization" and "de-centralization". In majority of small - sized and average Russian cities specific model of urban "cumulative housing accommodation" was generated, in which purely housing accommodation was only part, added upon with a plot of ground for "agriculture", the place for storage of crop, and garage. The population after perestroika has appeared deprived not only small official income, but also disappearance a significant part of income from informal sources. First of all, for majority of households, it was "possibilities", services from industrial plants. It was crucial condition for efficacy of this type housing. The households economy connected and formed specific accommodation, basis of "civil society", has tested.


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How to Cite
ВагинВ. В. (2010). Russian provincial town: main aspects of life. Universe of Russia, 6(4), 53-88. Retrieved from
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