Alimonies, pensions and income of families after divorce

  • Лидия Михайловна Прокофьева
  • Патрик Фести


The problem of increase of divorce-rates and low incomes of divorced mothers considered is of great importance for most of developed countries, because they lead to "feminization of poverty". This article touches upon the questions of families income after divorce. The research of divorced women was done in France (1985-1986) and in Russia (1993), using the same program of research, that is why data might be called comparable. The authors study living standards of divorced women and make the conclusion that there are no great differences in the way the family budget is formed in French and Russian oneparent families.


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How to Cite
ПрокофьеваЛ. М., & ФестиП. (2010). Alimonies, pensions and income of families after divorce. Universe of Russia, 6(4), 19-24. Retrieved from
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