What are the causes of death in Russia and in France?

  • Владимир Михайлович Школьников
  • Франс Меле
Keywords: mortality


This article is a summary of a monograph, published in Paris that was the result of comparative research of death' s causes in Russia and in France. For many years the information about the causes of death in the USSR was considered to be secret and unget-at-able to researchers. Only by the end of 80-s these data became easy of access. In the monograph 10 clusters and 175 detailed rubric of the causes of death are explicated beginning from 1965.


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How to Cite
ШкольниковВ. М., & МелеФ. (2010). What are the causes of death in Russia and in France?. Universe of Russia, 6(4), 12-18. Retrieved from https://mirros.hse.ru/article/view/5436
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