How to overcome the crisis of identification. Russia in the XXI century

  • Игорь Б Чубайс


The article begins with an analysis of the crisis of identification and ideology which is the disappointment in the most important socially significative verities and norms, this problem could also be determined as the crisis of the basis of public trust and belief. This kind of crisis took place in Europe of 19th century (disintegration of empire, totalitarism in Italy and Germany, a recession from belief in historical progress and existential movement in philosophy and so on). Russia also collided this crisis and it went thru it with its own peculiarities. Our country tried to refuse from its historical logistics and to turn on the way of bolshevism. And as a result we have got a radial revolution instead of deepening into reformation. Lenin became the creator of soviet state and at the same time the destroyer of a Russian state. Russian idea were substituted by communistic ideology, our country found her self in a big time-lag. After disintegration of the Soviet Union and its basis (communistic ideology), we winded up at the same position. Again and again as it was in the beginning of the century we are trying to understand who we are, what is our way, national idea and identity.

The author was aimed to investigate the following issues:

• how the Russian idea could be resurrected;

• what is the way to the join with historic Russia;

• how we should analyze our historical experience in the accordance of the conteporaneity;

• why historicism, organization, democracy and spirituality should become the formula of the Russia's revival.


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How to Cite
ЧубайсИ. Б. (2010). How to overcome the crisis of identification. Russia in the XXI century. Universe of Russia, 9(2), 3-27. Retrieved from
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