Management And Development Of Innovations In Russian Economy (Based On The Example Of Industrial Enterprises of St.-Petersburg

  • Raimo Blom
  • Hurry Melin
  • Ирина Сарно
  • А А Сарно


What kind of Russia we have today, in what direction Russia is going, what chances for its future there are – those issues are a focus of public attention. Answers to the following questions are very important: how strong or weak is the middle class, how private property institutions are developed here, how natural is it for Russia to become a European country, what happens to the identity of its elites and population, etc. At the same time, the following question becomes more and more relevant “what are the chances of the Russian economy to become innovative even in the long term?” [Inozemtsev 2000, Fedotova 2000, Kosonen 1999]. Development of a global information society makes national economies face a reality of more and more tough and swift-flowing competition, irrespective of activity or passivity of their political or economic elites [Castells 2000, Shkaratan 2004]. Experts on strategies of development in the USA, in a number of European countries, in Scandinavia develop social technologies, applying which it would be possible to provide the best potential for innovational development of a national economy. What are the chances of Russia even in the future to become competitive to countries which have already made development of innovativeness of their economy – an element of their national strategy? In this article we would like to focus our attention on the discussion of one aspect of this question.


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How to Cite
BlomR., MelinH., СарноИ., & СарноА. А. (2010). Management And Development Of Innovations In Russian Economy (Based On The Example Of Industrial Enterprises of St.-Petersburg. Universe of Russia, 13(2), 134-158. Retrieved from
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