Sociology Of Labor: Genesis Of Ideas In The Context Of The World And Russian Realities (An Attempt Of New Interpretation)

  • Жан Терентьевич Тощенко


Sociology of labor as a special sociological theory requires the following transformations: firstly, the level of its theoretical generalization should be raised so that it should not look as only a set of relevant social problems, which are not logically organized; secondly, there should be conducted a critical selection of the best, accumulated in Russian (and world) practice of solving social production, connected with all the spectrum of labor activity of people. In this article the author relies on the assumption that social and labor relations in contemporary Russia are undergoing fundamental changes. Social practice shows vitality and high demand of ideas, which sociology was approaching during the XX century. Moreover, Russian experience turned out to be inseparable from the world practice, from those attempts and discoveries, which were tested in many industrially developed countries. The author of the article makes an attempt to comprehend Russian realities, to compare them with the experience of other countries from totally new standpoints: how science and production mutually enriched each other and how this interaction contributed to the effective solution of social and economic problems. This article is a synthesis of the main ideas from the book, on which the author is working.


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How to Cite
ТощенкоЖ. Т. (2010). Sociology Of Labor: Genesis Of Ideas In The Context Of The World And Russian Realities (An Attempt Of New Interpretation). Universe of Russia, 13(4), 40-61. Retrieved from