Migrations of Russian professionals: reasons, problems, prospects

  • Ann Tinguy


In this issue of “Universe of Russia” an extract from the monograph of a French sociologist Ann de Tinguy is published. The article is devoted to the issue of emigration to America and to the conditions which are faced by the Russian emigrants. By the example of description of the phenomenon of Russian speaking emigration in the given country it will be possible to formulate an integrative idea about some of the problems outlined.
The given text is an extract from the monograph of a French historian and political scientist Ann de Tinguy “The sublime migration: Russia and Russians after the fall of the iron curtain”. In her book the author examines the migration processes of the post-Soviet territory. Ann de Tinguy analyzes the ways of modern migrations from and to Russia. She also examines different Russian problems caused by migrations, problems of other countries and of the migrants themselves. One of these problems is usually referred to as the “brain drain”. Every year a significant number of professionals and scientists leave Russia according to the data on which Ann de Tinguy bases her research. The main reasons for them to leave are the worsening working and living conditions in Russia. This way Russia is losing the important human potential, when it is mostly needed – its transformation period. Ann de Tinguy analyzes in detail the problems connected with the emigration of Russians to Israel, Germany and the USA. Indeed these three countries receive more than 90% of Russian emigrants per year. The extract from the monograph, which is given in this text, is dedicated to the migration of Russians to the USA. This is not accidental because Russian-speaking migrants in America differ by their high level of education and qualification.
The data of American censuses demonstrate that the proportion of those with a higher education or a doctor’s degree among the Russians who resident in the USA is greater than that of the Americans themselves. And, besides, many talented people come to America temporarily. These are students, teachers, scientists, programmers, and sportsmen. These migrations are the result of the USA policy, which is a complex of governmental and private initiatives. These initiatives include a system of visa granting, which helps to accept students with greater abilities, exchange programs for students and specialists, cooperation with Russian cultural and scientific centers, seminars for businessmen and officials. This way the USA not only attracts talented people, but also helps to create close connections between the political elites of the two countries.
At the same time living and working conditions in Russia continue to contribute to the its “brain drain” problem. These are low wages, lack of necessary equipment in laboratories, and the pure impossibility of scientific research. Those who come back from the USA cannot apply their new skills in Russia. In the author’s opinion there aren’t enough activities undertaken to stimulate the emigrants to return to Russia.
Another aspect connected with the emigration of talented Russians to the USA is their growing influence on the American society. Russians are among the 15 most numerous nationalities in most of the states. They also try to settle down next to each other, forming so-called Russian districts. But the most important is the quality of their influence on American science and cultural life. Americans with Russian roots or of other Russian origin make scientific discoveries and sport accomplishments under the flag of the USA. They open music, dance and sport schools and scientific centres in the States. At the same time Russians experience almost no difficulties in integrating with the American society. They quickly succeed at earning the average American income and even surpassing it. There are few among these who don’t speak English at all or speak it with difficulties. At the same time though all of them stay attached to Russian language and to Russian culture.


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How to Cite
TinguyA. (2010). Migrations of Russian professionals: reasons, problems, prospects. Universe of Russia, 16(1), 147-172. Retrieved from https://mirros.hse.ru/article/view/5188
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