Два капитализма в России: по материалам научной конференции

  • А В Очкина


The article is a review of the materials from the conference ‘Two ‘Capitalisms’ in Russia’ held in Moscow during 17-18th May 2008. The conference was organized by the Institute for Globalization and Social Movements and the ‘Left Politics’ journal with support from Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. The event primarily focused on the development tendencies in contemporary Russian society through drawing historical analogies from 1910s. Many concepts of the reproduction of a number of socio-politcal and economic institutions of ‘the first capitalism’ were discussed. Much attention was drawn to the government-flavoured capitalistic development in Russia and the reasons and mechanisms of government domination over institutions and civil society. And it was the idea of the persistent Russian authoritarianism, which was the keynote of the whole conference. The explanation to this phenomenon rested basically upon to paradigms: the idea of civilization uniqueness of Russia and the concept of world-system analysis. Many other serious issues concerned the prospects of democracy development in Russia, the non-capitalistic alternative, the situation and the prospect of social movements. E-mail: ochkina@inbox.ru

Key words: Contemporary Russian society, development tendencies, government-flavored capitalistic development, Russian authoritarianism


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How to Cite
ОчкинаА. В. (2010). Два капитализма в России: по материалам научной конференции. Universe of Russia, 18(1), 164-179. Retrieved from https://mirros.hse.ru/article/view/5133
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