Мировые города в постиндустриальной экономике: термины, теоретические конструкции и реальность

  • Андрей Ильич Трейвиш доктор географических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института географии РАН
  • А В Курасов


Post-industrialism is a global, as well as Russian reality. The article begins with discussing sometimes loose notions, the essence and the two components of post-industrial economy – information and service, and their relation to a current wave of globalization and the activity of its major actors (transnational corporations). Further an analysis of the global city phenomenon is conducted with an emphasis to its nature, paradoxes and history. This phenomenon is traditionally regarded by many Russian urban researchers as a core component of the world economy. The global city network analysis developed by the GaWC group (P. Taylor et al.) suggests that urbanization of core countries and regions is used as a primary material for global cities, while global cities themselves are the products of its selective crystallization. The evaluation of correlation between global city development and the development of other larger cities across a number of countries shows, that such development very much depends on the organization of the national settlement system. Famous limitedness of GaWC criteria pushed us to seek a wider approach, although the experience of many European authors proved, that it doesn’t provide good results when applied to developing countries. Finally, the following question is considered: what is the purpose of cosmopolitan cities, the sources of cultural ‘pseudomorphoses’ (according to O. Spengler)? These cities protect their countries from inner crises by preserving channels with the outer worlds. One of the mysteries is linked with the strong sense of belonging and the reproduction of this intangible asset under the harshest historical conditions. E-mail: socioecon@hse.ru

Key words: Globalization, post-industrial economy, global city phenomenon


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How to Cite
ТрейвишА. И., & КурасовА. В. (2010). Мировые города в постиндустриальной экономике: термины, теоретические конструкции и реальность. Universe of Russia, 18(1), 34-46. Retrieved from https://mirros.hse.ru/article/view/5128
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