Generation Dynamics and Contemporary History of USSR – Russia (1950–2004)

  • П А Ореховский
Keywords: power


The author regards generations as social groups, whose members’ career strategies rely on different aesthetical an ethical preferences. The term ‘generation’ is strictly detached from that of the ‘cohort’. Thus people from one cohort can make choice between four generations: ‘modern’, ‘long rangers’, ‘departure’ and ‘makers’. The choice shared by the majority defines the ‘age spirit’, which is formed by the values of the most numerous generation. The history is all about shifts in generations. The article regards the historical process as a traditional struggle between social groups. The originality of the approach lies in the concept of generations as social groups, which defend their own values. ‘Normal’ evolution can be described by the successive change between ‘modern’ generation and the generation of ‘makers’. Although under some political circumstances the domination of ‘makers’ can lead to a so called phenomenon of ‘glass ceiling’. In that case elite is represented only by the ‘makers’, which leads to a socio-economic stagnation, crisis and revolutions. The suggested model is verified through the empiric evidence from USSR and Russia. The shifts in domination of different generations correspond to various periods in the country’s history: ‘modern’ – Ottepel; ‘makers’ – Zastoi; ‘modern’ united with ‘departing’ underground – Perestroika as a revolution; ‘long rangers’ – Cold civil war. It is argued that irrational economic decision were produced by social causes. Social causes and elite preferences are primary towards economic decisions and thus predetermine the specifics of development, and not vice versa.

Key words: elites, power, generations, conflicts, social filters.


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How to Cite
ОреховскийП. А. (2010). Generation Dynamics and Contemporary History of USSR – Russia (1950–2004). Universe of Russia, 18(4), 37-65. Retrieved from
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