The Russian Middle Class: An Innovator? Professional Structure and Job Values of the Middle Class before the Economic Crisis

  • Екатерина Борисовна Головляницина
Keywords: middle class


The issues of forming of the middle class in Russia have become one of the most popular ones in the works of Russian sociologists. Such interest has is of political importance as well: the presence of middle class is not only regarded as and an evidence of correct economic and social policy, but is viewed as a basis for further development of a country. This article focuses on the middle class, which is defined as a group of households with sufficient resources (material resources, human capital and social well-being). We suggest that its representatives provide the essential characteristics of a group, which bears the role of a major actor in modernization process in Russia. A more precise focus of this work lies in the study of ‘innovation’ value orientations of Russian middle class in the sphere of labor. The source of empirical information is represented by the 2nd wave of the survey ‘Parents and children, men and women in family and society’. Our results have shown, that the representatives of the middle class demonstrate strong adherence to labor values, without which work in innovation-oriented sectors of economy cannot be possible: the recognition of creativity in solving tasks, the possibility of displaying initiatives, the willingness to take responsibility for decisions taken, etc. Although the more detailed analysis gives a less optimistic picture after all. The ‘innovation’ values within the middle class are demonstrated clearly only by the half of its members, who make up its professional ‘nucleus’ (managers in non-government sector, professionals with higher qualification in government and non-government sectors and similar service workers in the non-government sector). Labor orientations of the other professional groups with the middle class are still very similar to those of the lower strata.


Key words: middle class, socio-professional groups, occupational groups, labor values, resource-based approach


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How to Cite
ГоловляницинаЕ. Б. (2010). The Russian Middle Class: An Innovator? Professional Structure and Job Values of the Middle Class before the Economic Crisis. Universe of Russia, 18(4), 19-36. Retrieved from
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