Modern Faces of Theocracy

  • Жан Терентьевич Тощенко
Keywords: civilization, religion, theocracy, state, society, specific form of culture, secular authorities


Zhan Toschenko — Dean, Sociological Faculty, Russian State University for the Humanities. Address: 6, Miusskaya Sq., Moscow, GSP-3, 125993, Russian Federation. E-mail:

This article analyzes the essence and historical forms of ‘theocracy’ — a now common term in scientific, as well as common, language related to a particular form of religion. Recognizing religion(s) as a specific form of culture played, and still plays, an important role in establishing and developing human civilization. The author shows that one of its fields of concern — political participation and influence over state regulation — has a destructive and dangerous effect in any society as religious regulation of social and public life has always been damaging to humanity. Drawing from here, the author analyses two major moments in the establishment of contemporary theocratic claims: first, how secular authorities are giving in to the pressure from religious hierarchies and adapting their ambitious plans; second, how religion and its followers lean towards the state, negotiate with it and insist on privileges, protectionism and exceptionism in almost all spheres of public and social life.


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How to Cite
ТощенкоЖ. Т. (2010). Modern Faces of Theocracy. Universe of Russia, 19(2), 19-58. Retrieved from
Spiritual Life: Power and Society