The Civilizational and Institutional Contexts of Innovation-Driven Development in Russia

  • Наталья Николаевна Зарубина
Keywords: social adaptation, social innovation, innovation-drive development, archaism, everyday life


Natalia Zarubina — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Sociology, Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Address: 76, Prospect Vernadskogo, Moscow, 119454, Russian Federation. E-mail: n-zarubina@yandex. ru

This article deals with the civilizational and institutional background of innovation-driven development in Russia. By analysing the existing record of innovation breakthroughs in ‘axial civilizations’ and discussing the specifics of Russian civilization the author argues that Russia has sufficient sociocultural foundations for innovation-driven development. However, this capacity can only be implemented in an adequate institutional setting.
Paradoxically, one of the main obstacles to innovation in Russia is the radical perception of novelty per se, which translates into the sudden and often inorganic nature of institutional change. This leads to a situation where social and institutional innovations are not only absorbed by society, but also generate the archaisation of existing social practices. For instance, market reforms (for Russia an innovation in themselves) have devolved into various rentseeking activities, rather than spurred innovation-driven growth and development. Archaisation also affects everyday life, as Russians try to cope with these inorganic transformations.
Therefore in order to activate the capacity for innovation, Russia must first dismantle its dysfunctional and inorganic institutions and adopt a less radical perception of novelty. Second, it should not only continue stimulating innovative forms of business, but also improve its economic institutions to minimize opportunism and rent-seeking activities. Third, it is necessary to support and activate alienated social groups, which reproduce archaic practices and constrain innovation.


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How to Cite
ЗарубинаН. Н. (2015). The Civilizational and Institutional Contexts of Innovation-Driven Development in Russia. Universe of Russia, 24(2), 28-49. Retrieved from