Job Resources and Organizational Commitment in Finnish Company Units in Finland and Russia

  • Tiina Saari Tampere University
  • Harri Melin Tampere University
Keywords: organizational commitment, affective commitment, normative commitment, continuance commitment, Job Demands-Resources Model, comparative research


This article compares organizational commitment and its predictors in the units of two Finnish companies operating in Finland and Russia. The research questions are: which of the two countries has a higher level of organizational commitment and do different job resources affect the organizational commitment of Finnish and Russian employees? The research data was collected in a web survey (N=636). Cross tabulation, variance analysis and binary logistic regression analysis were used as the analysis methods. Russian employees were more committed in both organizations compared with their Finnish counterparts. Based on the regression analysis, development opportunities and the support of colleagues influenced the organizational commitment of both Finnish and Russian employees. Opportunities for influencing one’s work also affected commitment among Finns. By contrast, satisfaction with management or salary had no statistically significant effect on organizational commitment in either of the countries. Both in Finland and in Russia organizations must invest in employee well-being, especially development possibilities and supportive work communities in order to enhance affective organizational commitment. This study adds to the limited comparative research on Finland and Russia and the predictors of affective organizational commitment in these countries.


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Author Biographies

Tiina Saari, Tampere University

Postdoctoral Researcher, Tampere University, Finland. Address: Kalevantie 4, 33100, Tampere, Finland. E-mail:

Harri Melin, Tampere University

Professor, Tampere University, Finland. Address: Kalevantie 4, 33100, Tampere, Finland. E-mail:

How to Cite
SaariT., & MelinH. (2021). Job Resources and Organizational Commitment in Finnish Company Units in Finland and Russia. Universe of Russia, 30(2), 48-71.