Local Self-Government in Contemporary Russia

  • Ol’ga Molyarenko National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: municipalities, local self-government, reforms of local self-government, centralization, public authority, optimization of municipal administration, amalgamation of municipal units


This article focuses on the development of local self-government in Russia over the past three decades. Building on the ideas of James Sсott regarding the good intentions of state implementation, it provides a general description of the changes, but also reconstructs the logic of the legislators involved. The central government in post-Soviet Russia has distanced itself from local self-government as much as it could, turning municipalities into a firewall against a population claiming social guarantees. This explains why local self-government in the 1990s to early 2000s featured a lot of independence and diversity. The transformation history of Russian local self-government over the past 20 years can be described as the central government attempting to restore local order and social justice (social justice in the vision of the rent-oriented part of the population) in the face of highly passive residents and a gradual transformation of the settlement structure. This has resulted in the simplification and de facto nationalization of local self-government (in the near future, formal nationalization is also expected). The centralization of local self-government (i.e. its integration into the unitary system of state power) has led to the separation of local authorities from the local population and the reduced transparency of local socio-economic processes for municipal managers.


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Author Biography

Ol’ga Molyarenko, National Research University Higher School of Economics

PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, Department of Local Administration, School of Politics and Governance, Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya St., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: omolyarenko@hse.ru, omolyarenko@gmail.com

How to Cite
MolyarenkoO. (2021). Local Self-Government in Contemporary Russia . Universe of Russia, 30(1), 8-28. https://doi.org/10.17323/1811-038X-2021-30-1-8-28