The Effective Management of Ethnopolitics in the Countries of Eastern Europe and the Security of the Region: the Identification of Determinant Factors

  • Magdalena Karolak-Michalska University of Social Sciences in Warsaw
Keywords: ethnopolitics, ethnicity, ethnopolitical processes, ethnic and national minorities, Eastern Europe, security threat, post-Soviet area, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus


Citation: Karolak-Michalska M. (2020) The Effective Management of Ethnopolitics in the Countries of Eastern Europe and the Security of the Region: the Identification of Determinant Factors. Mir Rossii, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 179–194. DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2020-29-2-179-194

his article presents the determinant factors that affect the management of ethnopolitics in the countries of Eastern Europe and the way those factors influence the security of the region. The first part of the article explains what ethnopolitics is and where the essence of the management of ethnopolitics lies. The second part points out the key determinants of national politics in Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus, including ethno-demographic, cultural, legal, ethnopolitical and multilateral factors. The article concludes that omitting these determinants hinders the effective planning, organization and control of ethnopolitical management. The failure of state authorities in the region to take these factors into account in formulating geopolitical goals results in a lack of effectiveness of national politics. It is, however, conducive to creating conflicts and tensions on ethnic grounds, which threaten the security of individual countries, and consequentially the security of the region. The last part of the article also contains recommendations concerning the effective management of ethnopolitics in the countries of Eastern Europe.


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Author Biography

Magdalena Karolak-Michalska, University of Social Sciences in Warsaw

PhD in Politics, Department of Management and Security Sciences, University of Social Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. Address: Lucka 11, 00-001 Warsaw, Poland. E-mail:

How to Cite
Karolak-MichalskaM. (2020). The Effective Management of Ethnopolitics in the Countries of Eastern Europe and the Security of the Region: the Identification of Determinant Factors. Universe of Russia, 29(2), 179-194.